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GCN Circular 10366

GRB 100205A Gemini-North IR afterglow candidate
2010-02-05T12:24:45Z (15 years ago)
Nial Tanvir at IofA U.Cambridge <>
N. R. Tanvir (U. Leicester), A. J. Levan (U. Warwick), 
A. Cucchiara & D. Fox (PSU), B. E. Cobb (UC Berkeley),
R. Mason (Gemini) report on behalf of a larger collaboration:

We observed the field of GRB 100205A (Racusin et al. GCN 10361)
with Gemini-North/NIRI, beginning at 06:55 UT (approx 2.6 hr post burst).

In a deep K-band integration we detect a point source within
the enhanced XRT error circle, at position (accuracy ~0.5 arcsec):

RA(2000) = 09 25 33.02
dec(2000)= +31 44 25.0

The approximate magnitude (calibrated against two faint 2MASS stars
in the field) is K~20.2.  The source is also marginally detected
in both J and H.

Further analysis is ongoing.
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