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GCN Circular 10422

GRB 100213B: Gemini-N Observations
2010-02-14T13:52:00Z (15 years ago)
Antonino Cucchiara at PSU <>
A. Cucchiara (PSU), R. Chornock (Harvard),D. B. Fox (PSU),
E. Berger (Harvard), report on behalf of a larger collaboration:

"We observed the field of GRB 100213B (Vetere et al., GCN 10412)
with GMOS on the Gemini-North 8-m telescope starting on 2010
Feb 14.24 (~7 hours after the burst).

Inside the refined XRT error circle (GCN #10416) we detect
no new sources in a 2 min r-band acquisition image.
Outside the XRT error circle we clearly detect the source
reported by Malesani et al. (GCN #10413).

We then obtain 2x1200s spectra on this source at central
wavelength 8000A. We detect [OII]3727, H-beta and [OIII]5007
at the common redshift of z =0.604.
At this point is not clear whether this object is related to
GRB 100213B.

We thank the Gemini staff for performing this observation, in
particular Tom Geballe."
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