GCN Circular 10488
GRB 100316 optical candidate from 1.23m CAHA telescope
2010-03-16T05:16:37Z (15 years ago)
Javier Gorosabel at IAA-CSIC <jgu@iaa.es>
J. Gorosabel (IAA-CSIC), V. Peris (U. Valencia), P. Kubanek (IAA-CSIC,
U. Valencia), report on behalf of a larger collaboration:
"We have carried out R-band observations of the GRB100316 BAT error
box (Baumgartner et al., GCN 10484) with the 1.23m telescope of Calar
Alto. The observations started on Feb 16.1075 UT (11.7 min after the
GRB). We detect an object with a rough magnitude of R~20.5 coincident
with the XRT (GCN 10485) position and very likely not present on the
DSS. Further observations are encouraged to determine the
possible fading behaviour of this source. We propose that object as
the potential optical afterglow of GRB100316."