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GCN Circular 10624

GRB 100418A: Gemini-N redshift confirmation
2010-04-19T14:51:54Z (15 years ago)
Antonino Cucchiara at PSU <>
A. Cucchiara and D. B. Fox (PSU) report on behalf of a
larger collaboration:

"Starting on 2010 April 19.41 UT we used the GMOS spectrograph
on the Gemini North 8-m telescope to observe the field of the
Swift GRB 100418A (Marshall et al. GCN 10612).

A sequence of 2x1200s spectra were obtained covering the
spectral range of 4000-8000A.

A series of metal absorption features were identified (MgII2796,
2803,FeI3720, Ca H&K, CaI4227) and H-beta in emission at the
common redshift of z= 0.624, confirming the previously reported
result of Antonelli et al. GCN 10620.

We thank the Gemini staff for performing this observation,
in particular A. Fritz."
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