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GCN Circular 10809

GRB 100526B: Swift-XRT confirmation of fading afterglow
2010-05-28T05:40:58Z (15 years ago)
Loredana Vetere at PSU <>
L. Vetere and M. H. Siegel (PSU) report on behalf of the Swift-XRT team:

We have now collected 5.7 ks of Swift-XRT Photon Counting mode data on  
the GRB 100526B (Siegel et al. GCN Circ. 10799), from 3289 s to 34.8 ks 
after the BAT trigger.

The source reported by Kennea et al. (GCN Circ. 10802) is now only
marginally detected, with a count rate of 1.5x10^-3 count s^-1
(corresponding to an observed flux of 7.1x10^-14 erg cm^-2 s^-1).

With this fading, we can confirm that this source is the X-ray
afterglow of GRB 100526B.

The results of the XRT-team automatic analysis are available at

This circular is an official product of the Swift-XRT team.
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