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GCN Circular 10854

GRB 100614A: NOT optical upper limits
2010-06-15T16:34:46Z (15 years ago)
Daniele Malesani at Dark Cosmology Centre, Niels Bohr Inst <>
D. Malesani (DARK/NBI), D. Xu (Weizmann Inst.), T. Pursimo (NOT), P. 
Jakobsson (Univ. Iceland), report on behalf of a larger collaboration:

We observed the field of GRB 100614A (Stratta et al., GCN 10837) with 
the NOT equipped with ALFOSC. Observations were carried out in the R, I, 
and z filters, with mean times 54, 79, and 107 minutes after the GRB 
trigger, respectively.

We do not detect any source within the refined XRT error circle (Osborne 
et al., GCN 10849) in any of our images. The limiting magnitudes are R > 
24.0, I > 22.8 calibrated against the USNO-B1 catalog (calibration of 
the z-band data is not presently feasible). Our findings are in 
agreement with non-detections reported by other groups (Mundell & 
Steele, GCN 10838; Jelinek et al., GCN 10839; Levan et al., GCN 10840; 
Gorbovskoy et al., GCN 10853).

We acknowledge prompt reaction and careful assistence of the NOT staff.
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