GCN Circular 10880
GRB 100621A MOA-II optical limit
2010-06-22T01:04:15Z (15 years ago)
Takashi Sako at Nagoya U./MOA <sako@stelab.nagoya-u.ac.jp>
D. Suzuki, F. Hayashi, S.Kobara, T. Sako, H. Naito, K. Omori (STE Lab, Nagoya Univ.)
on behalf of the MOA Collaboration report:
We searched for an optical afterglow of GRB 100621A (GCN 10870, T. N. Ukwatta et al.)
starting from 09:02 UT on 2010 June 21st (6 hours after the burst) with the
MOA-II 1.8m telescope at Mt.John observatory in New Zealand.
In a single image of a 300sec exposure with a wide-band Red filter (center
wavelength ~ 750nm and FWHM ~ 250nm), we did not find any object
within the error circle of the Swift XRT source position (GCN 10873).
A 3 sigma upper limit is set in the I magnitude at 22.23 mag.
This photometry was done by using the DoPhot and calibrated against the
USNO-B1.0 catalog stars, and not corrected for the Galactic extinction.