GCN Circular 10970
GRB 100724A: fading afterglow seen with GROND
2010-07-24T02:16:21Z (15 years ago)
Sylvio Klose at TLS Tautenburg <klose@tls-tautenburg.de>
F. Olivares E., J. Greiner, P. Afonso (all MPE Garching), and S. Klose
(TLS Tautenburg), report on behalf of the GROND team:
The afterglow candidate reported by Olivares et al. (GCN 10969) is clearly
fading. Between mid-times of 00:49 UT and 01:14 UT the object faded by 1.3
magnitudes, corresponding to a power-law decay index of about 0.7. We
therefore confirm this object to be the afterglow of GRB 100724A.