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GCN Circular 11011

GRB 100728B: Skynet/PROMPT Detections (correction)
2010-07-28T12:00:18Z (15 years ago)
Kevin Ivarsen at UNC/PROMPT <>
K. Ivarsen, J. Haislip, D. Reichart, A. LaCluyze, J. Moore, A. Foster, R.
Egger, A. Oza, M. Schubel, A. Trotter, J. A. Crain, and M. Nysewander

The observations reported in GCN #11008 (Swift trigger #430172) should
refer to GRB 100728B rather than GRB 100728A.

We observed the optical transient at the following position:

RA  = 02:56:13.51
Dec = +00:16:52.16

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
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