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GCN Circular 1106

Optical Observations of the field of HETE trigger #1793/GRB 011012?
2001-10-12T11:30:57Z (23 years ago)
Paul Price at RSAA, ANU at CIT <>
P. A. Price, J. S. Bloom and D. W. Fox report on behalf of the larger
Caltech-NRAO-CARA GRB collaboration:

We have obtained second epoch images of HETE trigger #1793 with the Large
Format Camera (LFC) on the Palomar 200-inch telescope, approximately 45
minutes after the GRB.  Our R-band images cover an area approximately 26
arcminutes in radius, centered on the error box, with an estimated
limited magnitude of R ~ 23 mag, based on comparison with USNO-A2.0.

Comparison of the first aquired image (t_GRB + 12 min, GCN #1105) with
the second epoch reveals a single variable source within the field of
view (apart from several high proper motion objects), located at J2000
coordinates 2:37:18.2 42:02:56 (estimated error approximately 1 arcsec).
This source is clearly detected on the Digital Sky Survey images, and so
is likely simply a variable star and unrelated to the HETE trigger.

Further observations and analysis are underway.

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