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GCN Circular 11109

GRB 100816A: Gemini-N imaging
2010-08-16T16:03:01Z (15 years ago)
Nial Tanvir at U.Leicester <>
N. R. Tanvir, K. Wiersema (U. Leicester), A. J. Levan (U. Warwick),
D. Perley (UC Berkeley) report on behalf of a larger collaboration:

We imaged the field of possibly short GRB 100816A (Oates et al.
GCN 11102) with Gemini-N/GMOS, beginning about 11:33 (UT),
approximately 11 hours post-burst.

The afterglow detected by UVOT and confirmed to be fading
by the TNG (Antonelli et al. GCN 11104) is clearly detected at
a magnitude R~22.4, calibrated against USNO-B1 stars in the
field. We also detect a relatively bright galaxy centred about 1.2 arcsec
south of the afterglow, which may well be the host of the burst.
The magnitude of the galaxy is comparable to that of the
afterglow at this time.

Analysis of spectroscopic observations is ongoing.

We thank the Gemini observers, particularly Alexander
Fritz, for their assistance in obtaining these observations.
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