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GCN Circular 11195

Tentative redshift of GRB100902A from Swift-XRT data
2010-09-03T13:40:08Z (14 years ago)
Sergio Campana at INAF-OAB <>
S. Campana (INAF-OAB), R. L. C. Starling (U Leicester), P. A. Evans  (U 
Leicester), and T. Sakamoto (NASA/UMBC) report on behalf of the Swift Team:

Swift BAT triggered on the early activity of GRB 100902A (Sakamoto et 
al. 2010, GCN 11181). Swift XRT started observing 316 s after the 
trigger observing the main event. By using the Swift/XRT spectrum 
repository at (see Evans et al. 
2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177) we selected two time intervals with an almost 
constant hardness ratio. These are at the end of the main event between 
500-550 s (in Window Timing, WT, mode) and the entire first orbit in 
Photon Counting (PC) mode (between 600-3000 s). We then fit the two 
spectra with XSPEC using the model tbabs*ztbabs (cutoff), keeping the 
same absorption pattern and leaving free the cutoff power-law model for 
the two spectra (the cutoff power-law model provides much better results 
in terms of column density evaluation with respect to a simple power-law 
model when small spectral variations are present).
We assume a Galactic column density of 1.1x1021 cm-2 (Kalberla et al. 
2005, A&A 440 775) and we allow for a 30% uncertainty in the fit.  We 
fit the spectrum using C-statistics. In the intrinsic column density vs. 
redshift plane there is just one deep minimum hinting for a redshift 
z=4.5^+0.3_-0.2 (90% confidence level) and an intrinsic column density 
N_H(z)=(2.3^+0.5_-0.3)x1023 cm-2. The X-ray spectrum is very soft with 
Gamma~3.9 at the end of the prompt phase (with a cut-off energy >17 keV) 
and with Gamma~1.9 and E_cut~5 keV in the PC spectrum. The two spectra 
indicate the same redshift even separately.
The high redshift and the large absorbing column density are in line 
with the non-detection with UVOT and other ground based optical facilities.

The contour plot is available at
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