GCN Circular 11210
GRB 100902A: UKIRT JK Observation
2010-09-05T07:10:32Z (14 years ago)
Myungshin Im at Seoul Nat U <mim@astro.snu.ac.kr>
Myungshin Im, Changsu Choi, Hyunsung Jun, Eugene Kang (CEOU/Seoul
National University), Y. Urata (NCU), P. Choi (Pomona College),
and T. Sakamoto (NASA/GSFC), on behalf of a larger collaboration
We observed GRB 100902A (Sakamoto et al. GCN 11181) in J and K filters
using UKIRT. The observation started at Sept. 04, 14:24:39 UT or roughly
1.79 days after the BAT alert.
The reduced images with non-optimal calibration frames do not show a clear
sign of the afterglow candidate reported in Updike et al.
(GCN 11209), although both the J and K images show a faint smudge at
the reported location which may corresponds to the afterglow.
The significance of the detection is only ~3 sigma (J ~ 20.8 mag,
K ~ 19 mag in Vega), therefore it is difficult to draw a firm conclusion
on detection or non-detection of the afterglow in our data. Further
analysis of the UKIRT data is ongoing.