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GCN Circular 11229

GRB 100906A : Faulkes Telescope North optical observations
2010-09-06T14:30:42Z (14 years ago)
Andrea Melandri at Liverpool John Moores U <>
A. Melandri (INAF-OAB), D. Kopac (U. Ljubljana) and Z. Cano (LJMU)
report on behalf of a large collaboration:

The Faulkes Telescope North automatically began observing Swift
GRB 100906A (trigger = 433509, Markwardt et al., GCN 11227) on
September 06,13:53:03 UT, about 3.5 minutes from the GRB trigger time.
We clearly identify an uncatalogued object at the following position:

RA(J2000.0):  01:54:44.09
Dec(J2000.0): +55:37:49.5

The position is consistent with UVOT candidate and the object is  
clearly fading.
Preliminary photometry gives a magnitude of R=15.5 +/- 0.1 @800 s  
after the
burst event.

Observations are going on.
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