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GCN Circular 1136

The Radio Afterglow from the X-ray Rich GRB 011030
2001-11-09T05:08:47Z (23 years ago)
Greg Taylor at NRAO <>
G. B. Taylor (NRAO), D. A. Frail (NRAO/Caltech) and S. R. Kulkarni
(Caltech) report on behalf of the Caltech-NRAO-CARA collaboration:

"We have continued to monitor the WFC error circle of the X-ray
transient 011030 (GCN 1119, 1123) with the VLA at 8.47 GHz.
Observations were made over four epochs on Oct. 31.13,
Nov. 1.79, Nov. 4.81, and Nov 8.80 UT.  Over this period the radio source
VLA J2044+7717 (GCN 1122) has remained constant, in agreement with the
4.8 GHz observations by Rol et al. (GCN 1124). On 2001 Nov 8.80 UT a
new source was detected with high significance with a flux density of
181 +/- 18 microJy. This new source is located near the center of the
WFC error circle at (epoch 2000) R.A.=20:43:32.3, Dec.=+77:17:18.9,
with a conservative error of +/-1 arcsec in both coordinates.

Little is known about the class of such X-ray rich transients. This is
the first detection of a counterpart at any other wavelength to an
X-ray rich transient. We will continue further radio observations and
urge observations at other wavelengths."

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