GCN Circular 11635
GRB 110205A: Possible Lick/Kast redshift
2011-02-05T06:30:21Z (14 years ago)
Jason Prochaska at UCO/Lick Obs <xavier@ucolick.org>
R. da Silva (UCO/Lick), M. Fumagalli (UCO/Lick), G. Worseck
(UCO/Lick), and X. Prochaska (UCO/Lick) report on behalf of GRAASP:
"We have observed GRB 110205A with the Kast
dual spectrometer on the 3m Lick telescope for a series of
three 1800s exposures starting at UT 04:47 under variable
conditions and at high air mass.
We observe a significant absorption feature (EW > 100mA) at
~3600Ang which we interpret as a z~1.98 DLA associated with
the GRB host. We identify additional absorption features at
~3875A and 3980A which are roughly consistent with OI 1302
and CII 1334 transitions at the coincident redshift.
On the other hand, we do not detect a significant feature at CIV
nor any significant features redward of ~6000Ang where we
would expect FeII 2344, 2374, and 2382 absorption."
Further analysis is in progress.