GCN Circular 11669
GRB 110206A: Decay of afterglow candidate
2011-02-08T02:50:25Z (14 years ago)
Jonny Elliott at MPE/GROND <jonnyelliott@mpe.mpg.de>
J. Elliott, R. Filgas and J. Greiner (all MPE Garching),
report on behalf of the GROND team:
GROND observed the field of INTEGRAL GRB 110206A (Mereghetti et al., GCN
#11654) again starting at 01:10 UT on 2011-02-08, which is 24.62 hours
after the first epoch. In total 8 minutes of imaging was obtained
simultaneously in g'r'i'z'JHK.
The candidate (GCN 11662, Hoversten et al., GCN 11665, Elliott et al. and
GCN 11668, Cobb et al.) has been seen to have decayed by 1.2 magnitudes
suggesting that it is the afterglow of GRB110206A
We measure a preliminary magnitude of the second epoch of r' = 22.4 +/-
0.1 based on the GROND zeropoint.