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GCN Circular 1170

XRF011130: NEAT Optical Observations
2001-12-01T07:40:43Z (23 years ago)
Derek Fox at CIT <>
D.W. Fox (Caltech) and P.A. Price (MSO/ANU), with S. Pravdo,
E. Helin, K. Lawrence, and M. Hicks of the NEAT/Palomar team, report
on behalf of the Caltech-NRAO-CARA GRB collaboration:

"We have observed the 10 arcmin-radius error circle of the XRF011130
(GCN 1169) with the 48-inch NEAT automated telescope on Mt. Palomar on
Dec 1.24 UT.  In unfavorable conditions of moon illumination and
seeing, we do not find any objects not present in DPOSS images of the
region.  We estimate the limiting magnitude of our images as R = 18.5
mag.  Further observations are planned."

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