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GCN Circular 1179

GRB011130, optical observations
2001-12-06T00:47:23Z (23 years ago)
Peter Garnavich at U of Notre Dame <>
S. Jha, R. P. Kirshner (CfA) and P. M. Garnavich (Notre Dame)

We imaged the radio position  of GRB 011131 (GCN 1173) with the
Magellan 6.5m Baade telescope and  Direct Camera on Dec.  5.23 (UT).
A single 180s exposure with the R filter in 0.7" seeing reveals an unresolved
source within the radio error circle. The position is
3:05:24.73   3:46:14.1 (2000) (1" from the radio position) based
on the USNO.A2 catalog. The position is based on only three objects
in common between the catalog and image, but is consistent with
the GSC offset to the USNO.A2 in this region.

The possible afterglow has an R magnitude of 22.8+/-0.2 based
on a calibration from a single Landolt standard. A star  4" east
and 7" south of the OT position has R=21.5 mag (star A on finder).
A finder chart can be found at
and the reduced FITS image (dec5.fits)  can be obtained there as well.

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