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GCN Circular 119

GRB 980613 Near-IR observations
1998-06-23T20:36:15Z (26 years ago)
Jeff Goldader at STScI <>
J. Goldader (STScI), M. Beasley (U. Colorado), M. Hanson (Steward 
Observatory, U. Arizona), and P. Conti (U. Colorado) report:

We imaged part of the initial 8 arcminute diameter error
circle of GRB 980613 (Piro & Costa, GCN 99) at K (2.2 micron) using 
ONIS on the KPNO 4m telescope.  Our observations covered approximately 
(RA=10h 18m 23.90s,  DEC=+71d 28' 25") through (RA=10h 17m 29.10s,
DEC=+71d 31' 25"), and also (RA=10h 17m 26.24s, DEC=+71d 28' 25") through
(RA=10h 16m 54.30s, DEC=+71d 31' 25") (J2000.0), and were made between
1998 June 14.22 and 14.26 UT.  No objects not present on the DSS 
were observed, to a limiting point-source magnitude of K=18.0 +/- 0.2 
(3 sigma, estimated by spreading flux evenly over a 4x4 pixel box) in 
seeing of ~0.7 arcsec FWHM.  The fields observed fall north 
of, and do not include, the positions of the fading X-ray 
source 1SAX J1017.9+7127 (Costa et al., IAUC 6939; Piro et al., 
GCN 104) and the possibly associated optical transient reported by 
Hjorth et al. (GCN 109).

This report may be cited.
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