GCN Circular 12090
Swift J185003.2-005627: NIR Observation
2011-06-26T01:09:55Z (14 years ago)
Myungshin Im at Seoul Nat U <mim@astro.snu.ac.kr>
Myungshin Im, Ji Hoon Kim, and Changsu Choi
(CEOU/Seoul National University) on behalf of a larger collaboration
We observed Swift J185003.2-005627 (Beardmore et al. GCN 12083) in K-band
with UKIRT starting at 2011 June 25, 08:50:09 UT. Within the enhanced XRT/UVOT
error circle (Beardmore et al. GCN 12087), we identify a NIR source with
K ~ 14.8 mag, at the position of RA=18:50:03.27 and Dec=-00:56:23.2.
However, no strong variability is detected over the time span of 3 hours.
The source density is very high in this field too. Judging from these facts,
it is very unclear if this source is associated with the transient.
Further observation is planned.