GCN Circular 12116
GRB 110708A: Lick observations
2011-07-09T05:54:15Z (14 years ago)
Daniel Perley at U.C. Berkeley <dperley@astro.berkeley.edu>
D. A. Perley, K. Clubb, M. Ganeshalingam, M. Ellison, D. Cohen, and J.
S. Bloom (UC Berkeley) report:
We observed the position of INTEGRAL GRB 110708A (Gotz et al., GCN
12112) with the 1-meter Nickel telescope at Lick Observatory starting at
07:30:18 UT, 2.78 hours after the trigger. We acquired four exposures
of 300 seconds each (20 minutes total integration) in the I-band filter.
The XRT position given by D'Elia et al. (GCN 12115) lies near the center
of an asterism of five bright, nearby point-sources (one of which is
inside the XRT error circle), all of which are also visible in USNO
imaging and are likely Galactic stars. There is a possible, marginal
detection of a fainter source within the XRT error circle at:
RA=22:40:27.33, dec=+53:57:42.8 (J2000)
The approximate magnitude of this object, if real, is I~20.5 (calibrated
relative to USNO I-band). It is fainter than the DSS limit and also too
faint to clearly detect in individual exposures, so we cannot
conclusively associate it with GRB 110708A at this time.
We identify no other objects within the XRT error circle to a limiting
magnitude of I > 20.3, although the limit is complicated due to crowding
from the nearby stars.