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GCN Circular 12199

GRB 110726A: Swift/UVOT Detection
2011-07-26T04:02:40Z (13 years ago)
Mike Siegel at PSU/Swift MOC <>
M.H. Siegel (PSU) and C. A. Wolf (PSU) report on behalf
of the Swift/UVOT team:

Swift/UVOT began observations of the field of GRB 110726A (Wolf et al. 2011,
GCN 12196) 59 seconds after the BAT trigger.  The 150 second finding chart
in the White filter reveals a candidate afterglow in the rapidly available
2.7'x2.7' sub-image at:

 RA(J2000) =     19:06:52.06 = 286.71693
 DEC(J2000) = +56:04:16.6  = 56.0713

with a 90%-confidence error radius of about 0.6 arc sec. This is consistent
with the afterglow reported by both the XRT (Wolf et al.) and ROTSE (Schaefer
et al., 2011, GCN 12197).  The estimated magnitude is 17.80 with a 1-sigma
error of about  0.06. No correction has been made for the expected extinction
corresponding to E(B-V) of 0.08.
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