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GCN Circular 12202

GRB110726A: Gemini-N tentative redshift
2011-07-26T17:19:31Z (14 years ago)
Antonino Cucchiara at LBNL <>
A. Cucchiara (UC Santa Cruz), J. S. Bloom and S. B. Cenko (UC Berkeley) 
report on behalf of a larger collaboration:

"We observed the field of GRB 110726A at 06:14 UT (~0.19 days 
after the burst) with the GMOS camera mounted on the 
Gemini-North telescope.

We obtained a sequence of 2x900 seconds spectra centered at 
6000 Angstrom and covering 4000-8100A wavelength range.
The object is well detected and present a featureless continuum 
except for a weak double line which we interpret as a signature 
of MgII 2796,2803 at redshift z = 1.036. 

No other clear features are detected.
Therefore, we suggest 1.036 < z < 2.7 as redshift range for 
GRB 110726A.

We thank the Gemini-N staff for performing this observation,
in particular J. Holt."
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