GCN Circular 12207
GRB 110726A: EVLA observations
2011-07-27T03:30:03Z (14 years ago)
Ashley Zauderer at CfA <bevinashley@gmail.com>
A. Zauderer, E. Berger (Harvard/CfA), and D. A. Frail (NRAO) report on
behalf of a larger collaboration:
"We observed GRB 110726A (GCN 12196) with the EVLA beginning on 2011
July 26.19 UT (3.1 hours after the burst) at 5.8 GHz. No source is
detected in coincidence with the optical counterpart (GCNs 12197,12199)
to a 3-sigma limit of about 60 microJy."