GCN Circular 12363
GRB 110918A: pseudo-z= from prompt emission spectrum
2011-09-20T13:31:38Z (13 years ago)
Jean-Luc Atteia at Lab d Astrophys.,OMP,Toulouse <atteia@ast.obs-mip.fr>
J-L. Atteia (IRAP-UPS/CNRS)& A. Pelangeon report:
We used the spectral parameters of GRB 110918A provided by Golenetskii et al. (GCNC 12362)
to compute the spectral pseudo-redshift(**) of this burst localized by IPN (Pal'shin et al., GCNC 12358).
We find a pseudo-redshift pz= 0.28 +/- .07
** cf.http://cosmos.ast.obs-mip.fr/projet/v2/calculation_pz.html
Jean-Luc Atteia atteia@ast.obs-mip.fr
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