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GCN Circular 12408

Skynet observations of GRB 110928A
2011-09-29T04:14:54Z (13 years ago)
Aaron LaCluyze at U.North Carolina <>
J. Haislip, K. Ivarsen, A. LaCluyze, K. McLin, D. Reichart, J. Moore, T. 
Cromartie, R. Egger, A. Foster, M. Nysewander, A. Oza, E. Speckhard, A. 
Trotter, and J. A. Crain report:

Skynet observed the field of GRB 110928A (Hoverston et al., GCN 12394) 
with the GLAST Optical Robotic Telescope (GORT) at the Hume observatory 
in California beginning roughly 75 minutes after the burst.   We do not 
detect any uncatalogued sources.  Stacking only images that increase the 
limiting magnitude yields:

mean            mean
time                                                                3-sigma
since                                                               limiting
trigger        trigger (days)  telescope   exposures     filter      mag

3.186 h         0.13277            GORT     19 x 80 s     Ic         20.0
3.400 h         0.14166            GORT     23 x 80 s     Rc        21.0

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