GCN Circular 12657
GRB 111210A: Gemini-North candidate counterpart
2011-12-11T00:42:50Z (13 years ago)
Nial Tanvir at U.Leicester <nrt3@star.le.ac.uk>
N. R. Tanvir (U. Leicester) and A. J. Levan (U. Warwick) report on
behalf of a larger collaboration:
We obtained short exposures of the field of GRB 111210A (Siegel et
al. GCN 12650) with Gemini-North using the GMOS instrument,
beginning at 2011-Dec-10 15:16UT, approximately 39 minutes post-burst.��
Within the refined XRT position (Goad et al. GCN12652) we find a faint
source which is visible in both z and r filters.�� Calibrated against nearby
USNO stars we find a magnitude of r~23, with an estimated error
of +/-0.2 random and +/-0.3 calibration.
Our astrometry gives a position (conservative uncertainty of 0.5 arcsec) of:
RA(2000)= 12 45 54.40
dec(2000)= -07 09 57.4
We thank the Gemini staff, particularly Kristin Chiboucas and
Rachel Mason, for assistance with these observations.