GCN Circular 12668
GRB 111211A: GROND afterglow candidate
2011-12-12T09:43:14Z (13 years ago)
Jochen Greiner at MPI <jcg@mpe.mpg.de>
D.A. Kann (TLS Tautenburg), J. Greiner (MPE Garching),
T. Kruehler (DARK/NBI) and S. Klose (TLS Tautenburg)
report on behalf of the GROND team:
We observed the field of the SuperAGILE burst GRB 111211A (Feroci
et al. 2011, GCN #12666) simultaneously in g'r'i'z'JHK with GROND
(Greiner et al. 2008, PASP, 120, 405) mounted at the 2.2 m ESO/MPG
telescope at La Silla Observatory (Chile). Observations
started on December 12, 2011, at 07:50 UT, 8.5 hrs after the GRB.
They were performed at an average seeing of 1".1 and at an airmass
of 1.4
Within the 3 arcmin error circle we find one source brighter
than the DSS limit, and not seen on the DSS2-red plate or SDSS-r,
at the following coordinate:
RA (2000.0) = 10:12:21.7
Decl. (2000.0) = 11:12:30
with a conservative error of 0.7 arcsec. This is 1.6 arcmin from the
center of the SuperAGILE error circle. We propose this source as the
afterglow of GRB 111211A.
We estimate a rough r-band magnitude (calibrated against the SDSS) of
r'(AB) = 19.0
No obvious fading is detected, though this is not constraining
given the short GROND coverage and the time after the GRB.
Further observations are encouraged to check for the expected fading.