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GCN Circular 12804

GRB111209A: ATCA detection at 5.5, 9, and 18GHz
2012-01-04T05:37:27Z (13 years ago)
Paul Hancock at U of Sydney <>
Paul J. Hancock, Tara Murphy, Bryan Gaensler (U of Sydney), Ashley
Zauderer (Harvard)

Following our 34GHz non-detection (GCN12664) we observed GRB 111209A
(GCN12632) with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) at 5.5,
9, and 18GHz on the 14th of December (T=+5.1days). The mean observing
time was 11:12UT at 5.5 and 9GHz, and 11:47UT at 18GHz. We easily detect
the GRB at each frequency as listed below:
Freq        Flux
5.5GHz    0.85+/-0.04mJy
9GHz       0.97+/-0.06mJy
18GHz     3.23+/-0.05mJy

We thank the staff of the ATCA for their help in organising these observations.
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