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GCN Circular 12921

GRB 120211A - Faulkes Telescope South Observations
2012-02-11T15:02:33Z (13 years ago)
Francisco Virgili at Liverpool John Moores U <>
F. J. Virgili, C.G. Mundell, I.A. Steele, R.J. Smith, C.J. Mottram, D.F. 
Bersier, S. Kobayashi (Liverpool, JMU), A. Gomboc, J. Japelj, D. Kopac 
(U. Ljubljana), C. Guidorzi (U. Ferrara), A. Melandri (INAF-OAB) report:

"The 2-m Faulkes Telescope South responded robotically to followup 
(SWIFT trigger 514586; Sonbas et al. GCN 12920) 3.77 min after the GRB 
trigger time.
No optical counterpart within the XRT error circle is detected to the 
following conservative limits:

R > 21.5 mag (vs USNOB1) at 0.51 hrs from BAT trigger (total exposure = 
720 s)
i' > 20.4 mag (vs USNOB1) at 0.58 hrs from BAT trigger (total exposure = 
700 s)

We also note the presence of a USNOB-1 object lying on the XRT error 
circle border:
05:51:00.786, -24:46:23.86, with R2=20.19 and I=18.74 mag

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