GCN Circular 13109
Skynet/Dolomiti Observations of GRB120326A
2012-03-26T03:02:32Z (12 years ago)
Aaron LaCluyze at U.North Carolina <lacluyze@email.unc.edu>
A. LaCluyze, J. Haislip, K. Ivarsen, M. Maturi, D. Reichart, J. Moore, H.
T. Cromartie, R. Egger, A. Foster, N. Frank, M. Nysewander, A. Oza, E.
Speckhard, A.Trotter, and J. A. Crain report:
Skynet observed the Swift/XRT localization of GRB 120326A (Swift trigger
#518626) with the Dolomites Astronomical Observatory located at the Carlo
Magno Hotel Spa Resort in Italy. Observations in SDSS g',r',i' and z' began
93 seconds after the trigger (113 seconds after the burst). We detect an
optical transit at the position reported by Klotz et. al. (GCN 13107).
Stacking images and calibrating to USNO B1.0 stars yields the following:
Mean Time
Since triger Tel Exposures Filter Magnitude
37.23 m DAO 3 x 160 s g� 20.770
39.90 m DAO 4 x 160 s r� 19.868
51.48 m DAO 5 x 160 s i� 19.236