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GCN Circular 13185

GRB 120326A: HCT optical observations
2012-04-01T11:06:15Z (13 years ago)
D.K. Sahu at Indian Inst of Astrophysics,Bangalore <>
D.K. Sahu, G.C. Anupama (Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore)
and S.B. Pandey (ARIES, Nainital) report.

The optical afterglow of GRB 120326A  (Siegel  et al., GCN 13105)
was observed in Bessell R  band,  with the 2m. Himalayan Chandra Telescope of
the Indian Astronomical  Observatory, Hanle, India. Observations were made
between 22:36 UT and 23:14 UT on 27/03/2012. The optical afterglow was
detected in our individual frames of 300sec each.
The preliminary R  magnitudes of the optical afterglow
calibrated using  nearby USNO B1.0 stars is as under:
Date           Mid UT       Mid time from   Exp.    R  Magnitude

                             GRB(hrs)      (sec)
23-03-2012     22:55         45.5750       5x300    19.68 +/-0.07
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