GCN Circular 13213
GRB 120404A: Gemini-N Redshift
2012-04-04T15:17:07Z (13 years ago)
Antonino Cucchiara at UCSC/UCO Lick <acucchia@ucolick.org>
A. Cucchiara (UCSC/UCO Lick), on behalf of a larger
collaboration reports:
On April 4.58 UT (~60 minutes after the BAT trigger)
we observed the field of GRB 120404A (Stratta et al.,
GCN 13208) using GMOS Spectrograph on the Gemini-North
8-m telescope.
The optical afterglow is clearly detected in our r-band
acquisition image.
We performed 2x900s spectroscopic observations of the
optical afterglow using the B600 grating centered at 6500
Angstrom (covering the range 5100-7900 A).
The spectrum reveals several absorption features, including
FeII2586,2600, MgII2796,2803 at a common redshift of 1.633.
Other features indicate at least one MgII intervening system at
We therefore suggest that the redshift of GRB 120404A is z=1.633.
We thank the Gemini-North staff for their prompt support.