GCN Circular 13286
Fermi Trigger 358364818: BOOTES-4 observations
2012-05-11T21:38:11Z (13 years ago)
Alberto Castro-Tirado at Inst.de Astro. de Andalucia <ajct@iaa.es>
S. Guziy (Mykolaiv Nat. Univ.), P. Kubanek (IP AS CR), Yufeng Fan (Yunnan
Nat. Astr. Obs.) and A. J. Castro-Tirado (IAA-CSIC), on behalf of a larger
collaboration, report:
"Following the possible detection (Gorbovskoy et al. GCN 13285) of an
optical transient (10th mag) within the Fermi Trigger 358364818 error box,
we have observed the field with the 0.6m BOOTES-4/MET robotic telescope at
the Lijiang Astronomical Observatory, China. r'-band images (120 s each)
were obtained starting at 19:26 UT on May 11. No source is detected at the
reported MASTER-II position down to a 19.5 limiting magnitude"
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