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GCN Circular 13477

GRB 120714B: Redshift from VLT/X-shooter
2012-07-15T08:22:43Z (13 years ago)
Antonio de Ugarte Postigo at IAA-CSIC <>
J.P.U. Fynbo (DARK/NBI), A. de Ugarte Postigo (IAA-CSIC, DARK/NBI), 
V. D'Elia (ASDC, INAF), D. Xu (WIS), and D. Malesani (DARK/NBI) report 
on behalf of the X-shooter GRB GTO collaboration:

We observed the field of GRB 120714B (Saxton et. al GCN 13471, Marshall & 
Saxton GCN 13473) with X-shooter at VLT (Paranal, Chile). Observations started 
on 15 July at 5:06 UT (7.8 hr after the burst) and consisted of a total observing 
time of 4800 s in each of the UVB, VIS and NIR arms, covering the range 
between 3000 and 18000 A.

The spectrum shows a faint continuum where we detect MgII absorption as well 
as emission lines of [OII], H-beta, [OIII] and H-alpha at a common redshift of 

We acknowledge excellent support from the ESO staff, in particular Dimitri 
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