GCN Circular 13587
GRB 120804A: EVLA Detection
2012-08-05T15:06:22Z (13 years ago)
Ashley Zauderer at CfA <bevinashley@gmail.com>
W. Fong, A. Zauderer, E. Berger (Harvard) report on behalf of a larger
"We observed the position of the short GRB 120804A (Lien et al., GCN
13573) with the EVLA at 5.8 GHz beginning 2012 Aug 4.97 UT (dt=0.93 d
after the trigger). We detect a radio source within the Swift-XRT error
circle (Osborne et al., GCN 13577) at the position
RA 15:35:47.49 (+/- 0.01)
Dec -28:46:56.7 (+/- 0.1)
Followup observations are planned."