GCN Circular 13672
GRB 120817B: LCO Optical Observations
2012-08-18T05:30:45Z (13 years ago)
Edo Berger at Harvard <eberger@cfa.harvard.edu>
E. Berger, W. Fong (Harvard), and R. Williams (Carnegie) report:
"We observed the IPN error region of the short GRB 120817B (GCN #13670)
with the Wide-Field CCD camera mounted on the du Pont 2.5-m telescope at
Las Campanas Observatory. The observations started on 2012 August 18.158
UT (23.7 hour after the burst) using the R-band filter, and covered the
entire error region using two pointings with an exposure time of 900 sec
per pointing. A comparison to the Digital Sky Survey reveals no new
sources to the limit of the survey (R~21 mag)."