GCN Circular 13690
GRB 120819A: Bassano Bresciano Observatory optical observations
2012-08-20T13:05:16Z (13 years ago)
Ulisse Quadri at Bassano Bresciano Obs <oabb@ulisse.bs.it>
U.Quadri, L.Strabla, R.Girelli and A.Quadri report:
We imaged the field of GRB 120819A detected
by SWIFT(trigger 531428) with the robotic
telescope of (IAU station 565) Bassano Bresciano
Observatory, Italy.
The observations started 6h 35min. after the
GRB trigger(delay due to expecting the night)
with our Schmidt telescope D=400mm F/D=3.1.
Weather conditions were good.
We co-added 2 series of 15 unfiltered CCD exposures of 120s each.
We did not appear any reasonable optical counterpart
in the error box of the XRTcandidate (Beardmore et al., GCNC 13681)
at our limiting magnitude.
Start End M.lim.
395min 454min 19.5
Magnitudes were estimated with the USNO-B1 cat.
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