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GCN Circular 13870

Konus-Wind observation of GRB 121011B
2012-10-15T11:10:07Z (12 years ago)
Dmitry Frederiks at Ioffe Institute <>
S. Golenetskii, R.Aptekar, D. Frederiks, E. Mazets, V. Pal'shin,
P. Oleynik, M. Ulanov, D. Svinkin, and T. Cline on behalf
of the Konus-Wind team, report:

The short-duration hard-spectrum GRB 121011B
(IPN localization: Golenetskii at al., GCN 13863)
triggered Konus-Wind at T0=81140.083s UT (22:32:20.083)

The light curve shows a single pulse with a duration of ~0.35 s.
The emission is seen up to ~7 MeV.

The Konus-Wind light curve of this GRB is available at

As observed by Konus-Wind the burst
had a fluence of (2.8 � 0.3)x10-6 erg/cm2,
and a 16-ms peak flux, measured from T0+0.112 s,
of (2.3 � 0.4)x10-5 erg/cm2/s
(both in the 20 keV - 10 MeV energy range).

The spectrum of the burst (measured T0 to T0+0.192 s)
is best fit in the 20 keV - 10 MeV range
by the GRB (Band) function with the following model parameters:
the low-energy photon index alpha = -0.45 � 0.37,
the high energy photon index beta = -1.9 � 0.4,
the peak energy Ep = 670 � 340 keV,
chi2 = 16.3/17 dof.

All the quoted results are preliminary.
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