GCN Circular 13958
GRB 121108A : Lulin/TRIPOL2 Optical Limits
2012-11-09T06:41:31Z (12 years ago)
Yuji Urata at Nat. Central U. <urata@astro.ncu.edu.tw>
C.D. Lee, Y. Urata (NCU), K.Y. Huang (ASIAA)
on behalf of EAFON:
"We imaged the field of GRB 121108A (Ukwatta et al. GCN 13952) with
the Triple Range Imager and POLarimeter 2 (TRIPOL2) attached to the
Lulin 1m telescope. The simultaneous three color observations were
started on 2012-11-08 20:12:18.2 UT (~2.41 hrs after the burst).
There is no new sources in the error region of the X-ray afterglow
reported by Ukwatta et al. (GCN 13952) with three sigma limits of
g~20.6, r~20.5 and i~20.2 mag (at 2.92 hrs after the burst)."