GCN Circular 13968
GRB 121117A: BOOTES-3 early optical upper limit
2012-11-17T10:42:15Z (12 years ago)
Juan Carlos Tello at IAA-CSIC <jtello@iaa.es>
J.C. Tello (IAA-CSIC), J. Gorosabel (IAA-CSIC), A.J. Castro-Tirado
(IAA-CSIC), W. Allen (Vintage Lane Obs.), Ph. Yock and Kuan-Yu Lin
(Auckland Univ.), P. Kubanek (IP AS CR & IAA-CSIC), report on behalf of a
larger collaboration:
"We observed the field of GRB 121117A (Cummings et al., GCNC 13967) ,
detected by Swift/BAT, with the 0.6m Yock-Allen robotic telescope
(BOOTES-3) located in Blenheim, New Zealand. Unfiltered images were
obtained starting 09:04:07UT (13m after the burst, limited by clouds). An
exposure of 30 seconds resulted in a limiting magnitude of 16.0 when
calibrated with the R1Mag value of USNO-B1.0 catalogue stars. Due to
clouds, combining images did not provide a deeper limiting magnitude"
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