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GCN Circular 1405

GRB020531: optical observations
2002-06-02T09:41:10Z (23 years ago)
Weidong Li at UC Berkeley KAIT/LOSS <>
W. D. Li, A. V. Filippenko, and R. Chornock (UC Berkeley) report on
behalf of the Lick Observatory and Tenagra Observatory Supernova
Search (LOTOSS):

"We have observed a rectangle region of about 21' x 7' around the
position of GRB020531 (Richer et al., GCN #1399) with the 0.8-m Katzman
Automatic Imaging Telescope (KAIT) with 4x120s and 4x300s unfiltered
exposures beginning on May 31 04:56 UT, 2002, less than 4.5 hours after
the burst. The individual exposure reaches or exceeds the POSS II 
plate limit, R~20.5.  The same region was imaged again beginning on 
Jun 1 06:05 UT, 2002.  We used image subtraction to compare the
observations from these two nights, but have not yet found any bright
new stationary objects. We identified two asteroids whose J2000
coordinates are reported below:

Asteroid 1: mag about 19.5
	R. A. = 15h14m35s.85, Decl. = -19 23'49".0 at May 31 4:57 UT
	R. A. = 15h14m35s.70, Decl. = -19 23'48".7 at May 31 5:02 UT

Asteroid 2: mag about 20.0
	R. A. = 15h14m54s.51, Decl. = -19 24'35".8 at May 31 5:06 UT
	R. A. = 15h14m54s.36, Decl. = -19 24'36".4 at May 31 5:10 UT."

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