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GCN Circular 14050

GRB121209A: RATIR Optical and NIR Upper Limits
2012-12-10T08:06:34Z (12 years ago)
Nat Butler at UC berkeley <>
GRB121209A: RATIR Optical and NIR Upper Limits

Nat Butler (ASU), Alan Watson (UNAM), Alexander Kutyrev (GSFC), and
Michael Richer (UNAM), on behalf of a larger collaboration, report:

We observed the location of GRB 121209A (Maselli et al., GCN14045)
with the Reionization and Transients Infrared Camera (RATIR; on the 1.5m Harold Johnson Telescope at Sierra San
Pedro Martir on 2012 Dec 10.072 UT (3.72 hr after the BAT trigger).

In integrations spanning approximately one hour, in poor (3") seeing
conditions, no optical or NIR sources are detected within the XRT
error circle (GCN14045).  In comparison with SDSS DR8 and 2MASS, we
derive the following (3-sigma) upper limits in the AB magnitude

 r' 21.7
 i' 22.1
 Z  20.5
 Y  20.0
 J  19.8
 H  19.5

These magnitudes are not corrected for Galactic extinction in the
direction of the GRB.
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