GCN Circular 14207
GRB 130215A: Redshift estimate
2013-02-15T02:57:36Z (12 years ago)
Antonino Cucchiara at UCSC/UCO Lick <acucchia@ucolick.org>
A. Cucchiara (UCSC/UCO Lick), M. Fumagalli (Carnegie Observatory/
Princeton University), report on behalf of a larger collaboration
On February 15.1 UT (~50 minutes after the BAT trigger) we observed
the field of GRB 130215A (D'Elia et al., GCN 14204, Zheng et al GCN
14205) using the KAST Spectrograph on the Lick Shane 3-m telescope.
The optical candidate is clearly detected.
We obtained a 2x600s spectrum, covering the wavelength range 3500-8000A
The spectrum reveals strong absorption lines of MgII2796, MgII2803,
MgI2853, FeII2586, FeII2600, and Ca H&K.
A provisional reduction gives a redshift of z=0.597, which we believe
is most likely the redshift of this burst.
We thank the Lick Observatory staff for their prompt support.