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GCN Circular 14231

GRB 130216B: P200 NIR Observations
2013-02-17T14:01:42Z (12 years ago)
Daniel Perley at Caltech <>
D. A. Perley (Caltech) and S. B. Cenko (UC Berkeley) report:

We imaged the BAT position of GRB 130216B (Cummings et al., GCN 14226) 
on 2013-02-17 (UT) in Ks-band at two different epochs: 10 one-minute 
exposures between 04:11 and 04:26 followed by 11 one-minute exposures 
between 05:27 and 05:45.  The FOV covers the entire BAT error circle.

No new sources are seen in the field relative to the 2MASS catalog. 
Digital image subtraction of the two epochs gives a limit on variability 
of Ks >~ 18.6 mag (5 sigma) between 9.33 and 10.63 hours after the BAT 
trigger.   In particular, we do not identify any variable sources or 
pointlike objects at the location of the 2MASS galaxy mentioned by 
Cummings et al, which our observations resolve into a highly-inclined 
spiral galaxy (major axis diameter ~40 arcsec).
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