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GCN Circular 1434

Fading Optical Source in the Field of GRB020531
2002-06-20T02:49:35Z (23 years ago)
George Ricker at MIT <>
Fading Optical Source in the Field of GRB020531

A. Dullighan, G. Monnelly, N. Butler, R. Vanderspek, P. Ford, G.
Ricker (MIT); H. Ebeling, R. Wainscoat (U. Hawaii);
N. Kawai, A. Yoshida (RIKEN, Japan)


We have observed the error box of the short-hard burst source
GRB020531 (GCN #1399, #1402) with the Baade 6.5m telescope
at the Magellan Observatory on June 1.16 and June 10.13 UT,
and with the Subaru 8.2m telescope at Mauna Kea Observatory
on June 5.43 UT. The R band images were calibrated using the
data provided by Henden et al.(GCN #1422). Our observations
were as follows:

2002 Date	Instrument,	   Exposure Time    Limiting R Mag.
    UT		  Telescope		(sec)	      (3 sigma)

June 1.16	LDSS2, Baade	    	180 		23.6
June 5.43	SuprimeCam, Subaru	420 		25.5
June 10.13	LDSS2, Baade	    	360 x 2	   	24.0

We detect a fading optical counterpart for Chandra Source #5
(GCN #1415) in all three epochs.

2002 Date		R Mag		Error
    UT			of #5

June 1.16		23.12		0.20
June 5.43		23.79		0.06
June 10.13		23.96		0.20

The decline in brightness of the counterpart between the measurements
is consistent with a power law decay with alpha = 0.35 +/- 0.05.

The relative X-ray brightness of Chandra Source #5 at the two
epochs of the Chandra observations is consistent with the optical
decay index. However, the independent significance of any X-ray
decline is low (1.4 sigma level-of-confidence).

Since Source #5 lies just outside the current error box for GRB020531
(GCN #1407), its possible association, if any, with GRB020531
is unclear.

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