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GCN Circular 14415

GRB130420A : Xinglong TNT optical upper limit
2013-04-20T15:59:58Z (12 years ago)
L.P. Xin at NAOC <>
L.P. Xin, M. Zhai, J. Y. Wei, Y. L. Qiu,  J. Wang, 
J. S. Deng, C. Wu, X.H. Han  report on behalf of EAFON team:

We began to observe the field of GRB 130420A  (Page et al., GCN 14406 )
using  80cm TNT telescope located at Xinglong observatory, China
at 12:16:56 UT on 2013-04-20. We obtained 12x300s R-band images in a
poor seeing and cloudy weather, with a median time of 5.3 hr after the BAT trigger.

The afterglow reported (Page et a., GCN 14406 ) is not detected in the stacked image, 
down to a 3 sigma limit of R~18.0 mag, calibrated with USNO B2 stars.

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