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GCN Circular 1446

GRB 020705: Optical observations
2002-07-06T15:43:06Z (23 years ago)
Vasilij Rumjantsev at CrAO <>
V.Rumyantsev (CrAO) and A.Pozanenko (IKI)

We have observed the field of GRB020705 / HETE2093  
using the SBIG ST-8 (53' x 35' field of view) on 
the Richter-Slefogt 0.64-meter telescope at CrAO 
on 2002 July 5 from 20:00:35 to 20:59:57 UT 
(beginning 12.2 hours after the burst). 

We do not identify any afterglow candidate on visual 
comparison with the DSS2 to a limit approximately V ~ 18.0 mag.

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