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GCN Circular 1457

IPN triangulation of GRB020714
2002-07-18T14:52:58Z (23 years ago)
Kevin Hurley at UCBerkeley/SSL <>
K. Hurley and T. Cline, on behalf of the Ulysses, Mars Odyssey, 
and Konus-Wind GRB teams, and

E. Mazets and S. Golenetskii, on behalf of the Konus-Wind GRB team, 

Konus-Wind data have been used to resolve the ambiguity in this
localization.  The first position given in GCN 1455 is the correct

    RA(2000)                              DEC(2000)
 ERROR BOX CENTER:  12 h 09 m 04.48 s     83 o 06 '  44.26 " 
 ERROR BOX CORNER 1: 12 h 03 m 32.15 s     83 o 16 '  13.61 " 
 ERROR BOX CORNER 2: 12 h 17 m 21.75 s     83 o 01 '  37.33 " 
 ERROR BOX CORNER 3: 12 h 00 m 33.98 s     83 o 11 '  12.68 " 
 ERROR BOX CORNER 4: 12 h 14 m 19.83 s     82 o 56 '  58.10 "
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